
Trees n Bushes 26 European spindle - körsbärsbenved

NF Trees n Bushes 26

Welcome to the first edition of the NF Tree n Bushes meme.

 I have always liked trees and have lots of them in my files that I never got around to post. I assume that many of you have it too. So, for this meme is not about running around taking shots today. You can as well dig in your files for those gems never posted. Trees and bushes comes in many shapes and forms and they look different as the year go by. Many of them has flowers and are showing autumn colors. They change always.
Click to enlarge and see with lightbox

European spindle - körsbärsbenved
© NF Photo 150918

Learn more about European spindle on wiki This tree seem to be native of most part of Europe but I have never seen it in the wild. Not as I can remember. It is poisonous for people but birds still eat of the fruit. In my images the flower is not yet open. What look like fruit is actually flower buds. One of few trees that flowers in fall.
If I take one of the long roads to she supermarket I see this one.

Now it is time for you to link up your trees and bushes. And have fun visiting others.

Don´t forget to prepare for my upcoming memes:
Welcome to join in.
                                                    Wednesday, my art meme: NF DAM 

Mondays: Catching light. Every photo is created by light. You can post anything.

Note! If your blog ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses I can´t comment to your entry. I will give you a comment to your entry at your comment here on my blog.

You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog or GOOGLE+, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they find your post immediately. You shall have a backlink, and please, don´t advertise your own meme without having an image to share that corresponds to my meme.
Regler finns i sidlisten. - For rules see the sidebar.

To join NF Trees n Bushes ad your link in the linkylist. Link back to this post, visit others and get inspired.

1. NatureFootstep Photo  6. NixPixMix  11. Hilde  
2. Ulla Laiho  7. Nick, Melbourne  12. My Desktop  
3. Mascha  8. Jesh StG  13. Canberra Pond  
4. Eileen  9. Charlotta  
5. Andrea @ From The Sol  10. Linja, Virginia  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Labels: NatureFootstepnfphotofotophotographynaturnaturfotonaturefotoutmaningphoto challengeBildverkstanphoto manipulationphoto shopartkonstswedensverigeMonica JohanssonresortravelsKatrineholmfotografbildNF Meme Bildverkstan, NF Trees n Bushes, träd, tree, bush, buske, meme,common spindle, Euonymus europaeus, European spindle, körsbärsbenved, poisonous, spindle, NF Trees n Bushes, träd,tree,bush,buske, meme, 


  1. Beautiful photos! I like the spindle with it's red fruit, a nice decoration in fall.
    I've seen them here in Germany in free nature at any places. Maybe the birds brought the seeds from gardens?
    Have a great day

  2. Hello, it is a pretty red color and a beautiful tree. It is nice that it flowers in the fall. Thanks for hosting, enjoy your day!

  3. That is rare and beautiful ... I don't think I know of a tree that blooms in the fall. I hope we will see this tree in full bloom ... it must be awesome. I like your Spindle. It's a new tree for me ... Thanks, Monica

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  4. I've never seen it here in the USA. The fruit as well as leaves are very attractive!

  5. Pretty colors! I don't think I'd want it though.

  6. The colours are very beautiful!


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